Comedy, Drama, Musicals and Murder/Mystery
Plays for the Amateur and Professional Stage
“twoactplays” aims to provide newly published works
suitable for amateur and professional performance
across a number of genres. This site will enable you to
find,fairly quickly, a play that will be suitable for your
group or production company. Click across the links at
the top to locate the focus of work you are interested in,
or just scroll through all the plays we have to offer page
by page.
We are always interested in expanding our base of new
plays and are consequently delighted to consider new
submissions. We would ask writers to contact us by e-
mail in the first instance with a brief synopsis of the
work they have produced.
“twoactplays” is one of a number of sites developed by
Brian Langtry, one of the Midlands most respected
writers and performers, with a career spanning 4
decades. Brian has written extensively for the thatre
and has recently branched out into film making. He was
the creative force behind a number of recent nationwide
touring productions ; musicals about Eva Cassidy, Billie
Holiday and Connie Francis have all been countrywide
Other sites which may be of interest to you are: a site devoted to the iconic Black
Country folk group `Giggetty`. Brian was one of the
founder members nad remained with the group until its
demise in 1997. a career of over 25 years. `Giggetty`
performed in concert, on TV, on radio and this site tells
you everything you need to know about the group. site showcases
plays,films,productions that showcase new and original
writing. You can find diverse approaches to
drama,comedy and musical. Some of our
plays/productions feature work about a variety of iconic
stars: Eva cassidy, Marilyn Monroe, Dusty Springfield,
Tallulah Bankhead, Billie Holiday, Johnny Cash and Janis
Joplin to name but a few. site is devoted to plays of
a one act nature across all genres and introducing new
and established writers to amateur and professional
To contact Brian Langtry about anything related to this site or to
discuss terms and conditions please e-mail:
Click here to visit Brian Langtry`s facebook page
Click here To See Brian perform on YouTube
Please note that TwoActPlays has no association with
Steve Black and his plays are no longer available on
this site.